Pont Neuf - Pont Neuf information and pictures

Pont Neuf spans over the River Seine and connects Paris with Île de la Cité.
Pont Neuf is the oldest bridge in Paris ironically called (New Bridge). It was built by Henry III in 1578 and was completed by Henry IV in 1607.

At the center of the bridge on the square Vert-Galant, a bronze statue of King Henry IV was erected after his death.

Pont Neuf has 12 arches and spans 275 meters (912 ft). It is the first stone bridge built without houses on it and became a meeting place for the people of Paris as well as one of the most popular bridges in Paris.

In 1985 the Bulgarian born artist Christo wrapped Pont Neuf in fabric. Nearly 41,000 square meters of fabric had been used in this massive project and the river traffic was not obstructed at all.

Where is Pont Neuf: Île de la Cité, arrondissement 1

How to get to Pont Neuf: By metro line 7 to Pont Neuf station or line 4 to Cité station.
Pont Neuf Paris
Pont Neuf Paris
Pont Neuf, Paris

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User Comments about Pont Neuf

Candice Arnold says:
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