Santa Maria Novella - Santa Maria Novella information and pictures

The Church of Santa Maria Novella was completed by Leon Battista Alberti in 1470. It was first built by the Dominicans in the late 13th century to mid 14th century and later Alberti incorporated the Romanesque and Renaissance styles perfectly. The interior is purely Gothic. Cappella di Filippo Strozzi features frescoes by Fillipo Lippi and Cappella Tornabuoni has the famous fresco by Ghirlandaio – "The Life of John Baptist" (1485). Santa Maria Novella is famous with its Green Cloister which has frescoes by Paolo Uccello and Masaccio.

Where is Santa Maria Novella: Piazza di Santa Maria Novella

How to get to Santa Maria Novella: Bus route: A, 11, 12, 36, 37

Opening hours: 9:30AM to 5PM

Santa Maria Novella Florence
Santa Maria Novella, Florence

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