Horse dip (Pferdeschwemmen) - Horse dip (Pferdeschwemmen) information and pictures
The horse dip (Pferdeschwemmen) or the Horse wells was built in 1693 by Johan Bernhard Fischer von Erlach at the time of the construction of the front façade of the royal stables. The statue – “The horse whisperer” (“Der Rossebändiger”) was designed by Michael Bernhard Mandl and stood earlier in an oval pond across the portal of the stables. The Horsepond was restored in 1732 by archbishop Firmian and some frescoes were painted by Josef Ebner.
The horse dip is located beside the
Siegmundstor. It is the main tunnel thru the mountain (Mönchsberg), which is in the heart of the city of
Salzburg. The tunnel is called
Siegmundstor or
Neutor and was built between 1764 and 1767. It connects the Old City of Salzburg (
Altstadt town) with the city of Riedenburg.
The Siegmundstor tunnel is 135 metres long and the entrance on the old town side has an emblem with a portrait of Prince Archbishop Siegmund Schrattenbach.
Horse dip, Pferdeschwemmen, Salzburg
Siegmundstor (Neutor), Entrance to the old town Salzburg
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