Grand Central Terminal - Grand Central Terminal information and pictures

Grand Central Terminal - Grand Central Station was build between 1903 – 1913 and is the largest railway station in the world. It has 44 platforms and 67 tracks located on two levels and connect trains and subway.

The main concourse of Grand Central Station is a vast space filled with crowds; it has large windows and a Tennessee marble floor. The brass clock in the middle is made from opal and has an estimated value of 20 million dollars. The ceiling represents the constellations of the sky above New York City and was restored in 1998 because was covered by tobacco smoke and nobody knew what was actually painted on it.

The dining concourse is on the lower level of Grand Central Station. It has food court, shops and restaurants. The choices of food are overwhelming – you can have Mexican, Indian, Italian food and don’t miss The Oyster Bar.

The lower concourse also has numerous escalators and paths connecting to the platforms of Grand Central Station and the main concourse.

Where is Grand Central Station – 42nd Street and Park Avenue.

How to get to Grand Central Terminal – Subway S,4,5,6,7 to Grand Central.
Grand Central Station New York
Grand Central Station, New York

Grand Central Station New York
Grand Central Terminal

Grand Central Station New York
Grand Central Station, New York

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User Comments about Grand Central Terminal

Marita Jahncke says:
Hello from the other end of the world, I just returned from NY and going through my pictures. I couldn't find any explanation about the sculptures on the roof of central station. Thank you for your help. Best regards Marita Jahncke